
Saturday 19 July 2014

Special Olympics ~ Rhythmic Gymnastics

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Last week marked  the  Special Olympic Summer Games in Vancouver 

I created the unitards for the B.C. team!

Here is the " inspired and created"  process.....

~ first decision ~ the style

and fabric choices 

~ measured all the girls a few months back when they gathered for a tournament

~ next cutting and appliqueing  

now one might think that you would make a pattern in there some where especially after years of pattern making at design school! .....but I don't actually make or use patterns, the laying out of the fabric and taking scissors to it seems to work for me,  ..... it's like making cookies eventually you don't need the recipe or the measuring spoons.....

~ then I added Swarovski crystals for sparkle 

..... hard to believe but I used 70 gross of Swarovski's in total, which is 
10,080 stones ..... glued on 16 unitards! 

Fitting day with some of the athletes ~ Danielle, Ashley and Katie 


and finally performance day!

Joanna Morris ~ Kelowna

Darcy   Muzychka  ~ Prince George

Captured moments courtesy of  ~link ~  Mario Lam 

Katie Hawksby ~ Abbotsford

Alison McKee ~ Victoria

The excitement and reward for all their hard work!

Team B.C. won 10 gold medals, 13 silver and 18 bronze!

Joanna ~ Christina ~ Artisia 



There was a great article in the Vancouver Sun showcasing one of the athletes, Ashley Rosenberger
with an insight into the journey of becoming a Special Olympian

here is the link  ~ Vancouver Sun

and thank you for letting me be a part of it!


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