
Tuesday 1 July 2014

Raspberries & Chocolate

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 It's July and the raspberries are ripe!

I have a small patch but they are everbearing which means I have raspberries
from now until november! Love that! 

So I thought I would make a little chocolate something to go with the raspberries.
I am always inspired by chocolate, you can do so much with it
And especially Callebaut!

I took a strip of parchment paper and dripped dots of melted white chocolate randomly along it

Used the freezer to quickly harden them 
and then drizzled dark chocolate over the polka dots, a ziplock bag with the corner snipped
makes that super easy

At this point I slightly hardened the strip in the freezer again and then gently wound it in a circle and 
put it back in for a few more minutes to completely harden

Then peeled off the parchment paper! Bless whoever invented that!

and then there you have .....a chocolate.....? well who cares what it is ...its chocolate!

I painted the plate with a few swipes of pureed raspberries (pastry brush works great for that) added a scoop of ice cream, and then gently dropped the chocolate over the ice cream, and added raspberries

Summer dessert! 
I might add that just melting the chocolate and dipping the raspberries in is 
also quite a good dessert!

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