
Wednesday 31 October 2012


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Its Halloween so here goes a fitting post..... "The Amazing Spiderman" costume.  
A young Spiderman enthusiast also know as Jacob asked me to make him this costume. He lives about 500 miles away so slightly challenging.

Here are some pictures of the process:

The gloves

I tried the glove out in extra spandex just to see the fit, using my own hand as a pattern guide. Determining the actual design on the gloves was a little challenging. I then cut the pieces out in the actual blue and red spandex, and hand painted the design as close as I could. 



The lens

Yes that is a splatter screen from the dollar store. How can somebody sell that for a $1.25?! Anyway Spidermans eyes have a meshy look to them so I thought this would work. Spray painted it gold and
then cut out the right shape.  Also cut double layers of black foam for the edges, which I varnished with nail polish! I'm not sure if that's what Spiderman did?! Ha ha! Apparently he made his own costume!....hmmm? Anyway I then cut out the same shape from ski goggle lens. This provided a nice curve and the "reflection" Jacob wanted.  The mesh went under the lens and I sandwiched them between the two foam pieces.

The painting 

Yes the painting, wow! There was a lot of that! 


Just in case you thought this was all super easy and I had no problems!!!......Ha ha ha! This was the neck of the mask and I moved it before it dried! You know those moments when you wonder why you said that little word "yes"..... I will make that for you! This was that moment!( Well there was actually a   few moments!) I guess that's the fun of custom made clothes!

The shoes

 Apparently they used actual Asics soles for his shoes, well not having their budget, I used Payless Shoes!  I cut the shoe off and just used the sole. I then painted it as best I could to match "Asics"
Tore out the liner sole and stuffed it into the boots and then glued it back into the shoe with the boot now attached! I velcroed up the heel for sort of easy access. 


The Fit
So the costume was for a young spider'man' but as you can see a spider'woman' is trying it on for size. Minus a few body parts they are similar in size. Which brings me to the story of buying the "cup"
Went to a sports store and thought, well I look like a mom who could have a teenage boy that can't buy his own gear, so pretty legit. The salesman asks if he can help as I am walking aimlessly looking for the "cup" section, I tell him what I need. What does he say?...... What sport? Honestly!!!there are different ones for different sports??! like what?... different sizes, different material?, I was stumped and realised I wasn't doing well with the faking because now too much time had passed because I couldn't figure out which sport to pick, so I confess it was for a costume. Well now his wheels were turning and this was now so not legit to him! Finally I just explained the whole thing, we had a good laugh and we then picked a red and black one that would befit Spiderman! 

Spiderman (women)

So remember Jacob......

"With great power comes great responsibility!"

Happy Halloween!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello there Janet!
I am Jacobs mom. I just wanted to say thank you so very much! The suit truely is "amazing". What a challenge for you as I know Jacob is extremely particular when it comes to Spidey, and not being geographically closer for at least one fitting!! You clearly went over and beyond what I'm sure you intended when you said yes to making it for him.