
Sunday 9 September 2012

Summer Birthday Party

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My friend Dionne's husband asked if I would help him put together a party for his wife's 4o th birthday. The key here was and I quote "it doesn't matter what it costs "  Who says that?!!
I only have a few pics to share....enjoy!

We floated white hydrangeas and Ecuadorian roses in the pool. I made it in the shape of
a "40",  hard to tell at this angle!

Folded up  pockets with one layer of parchment to contain dip in the bottom. Easy, fun, and personalized for her!


Bbq skewers (de-skewered!) in martini glasses made for easy mingling, easy eating. 

Lemon ice palette cleanser with more roses!

Bocconcini salad stuffed tomatoes on a  cucumber weave. 

There was so much more but I haven't mastered the ability to be a photographer while trying not to
have the kitchen go completely upside down in the midst of a party! 

Happy "B" Dionne

~ Janet

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